Tuesday, June 16, 2009

More Articles of Interest

This article is about a House bill drafted by the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee addressing food safety issues. I will be poring through the bill to see what it includes that is relevant to us, and hopefully writing some letters to the committee either in support or opposition - depending on what it says. Or asking that they include other provisions to safeguard against BSE.

This article discusses alternative remedies, and the odd ingredients often included. It just goes to show you should always read the labels of supplements before you take them. Many include bovine proteins or tissue known to be particularly infections in a BSE infected cow.

And finally, an article discussing how rogue proteins may also be responsible for Alzheimer's.

The website is coming along very well. The test site is almost perfected, which means the launch date will be soon! Once it is up and running, I would appreciate any and all feedback - negative and positive.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Articles of Interest

I apologize for the delay in postings, but I have been out of town with limited access to the internet. I am now back, and busy sorting through my inbox.

-From Fooddemocracy.com, an article explaining the implications of a recent cow found to have BSE in Canada.

-An Associated Press article discussing the Food Safety Working Group, and Rep. Rosa DeLauro's objections to some of the FDA's propsed changes.

-An article published in the British Medical Journal discussing the recent findings of a study which tested over 63,000 tonsil samples for vCJD. None of the samples tested positive, raising the question of whether vCJD may end up affecting fewer people than previously thought.

Bone Marrow Donation

As I am sure most of you out there in the CJD community know, blood relatives of CJD sufferers are prohibited from donating blood or organs, even if it is not a genetic form of the disease. While I know (and respect) that this is done in an abundance of caution, it still bothers me that I am prohibited from helping others because of a disease I will most likely never get. If you feel this way too, I would encourage you to look into joining the bone marrow donor registry. At this time, there is no prohibition donating bone marrow. You can visit the National Marrow Donor Program website for more information.