Tuesday, May 5, 2009

BSE and Oprah

This article was actually written about a decade ago, but I think it accurately describes the length the beef industry will go to quiet those who speak out about BSE. I wouldn't call the article unbiased, but it is very informative and goes in-depth about the lawsuit against Oprah after her comments on-air that she was no longer going to eat beef. I found it interesting, and hope you do too.

I am reading the book "Fast Food Nation" Eric Schlosser. I am not finished with it yet, but it is incredibly insightful into the practices of the fast food and meat-packing industries. To the point I am at in the book, BSE has only been mentioned in passing, but still a very interesting read and gives a lot of insight into the food we eat. It is a little graphic at some points, so beware if you have a particularly weak stomach. I also watched the movie based on the book, and the book is much better and more indepth.


  1. I read the book Fast Food Nation and found it very interesting. It is almost 4 years ago, that I decided to eat no longer beef. BSE made me think about it.

  2. I gave up beef last July. It's been tough, because every now and then I get a craving for a steak, but I know it's the right thing to do. You just really have no way to know what's lurking in it!
