Monday, March 30, 2009

Past Two Weeks

I am sorry (and a little shamed) to admit that I have not accomplished much in the past two weeks. I made a lot of good progress and then just kind of stalled. Part of it is that I was out of town for a wedding for several days, and it was difficult to start a project knowing I was going to be interrupted in the middle of it. I have pretty much just been trying to catch up on some reading (work reading, not casual reading) and planning my next steps. I promise to be back on top of things from here on out! I have a meeting with my website designer on Wednesday to start figuring out what we are going to do with it. I will hopefully have some good things to report soon.


  1. I am so glad I found you. My father was recently diagnosed with CJD. I am taking a train tomorrow to see him and when I get back, I want to learn all I can learn about this disease.
    There isn't much out there.

  2. Catherine- I'm very sorry to hear about your father. If there is anything you need, even just an understanding ear, please let me know. There are links on the right side of the page to some places you can get more information on the disease. I am also working on compiling a list of some books I have found helpful which I can provide to you if you'd like. If you haven't already, you should contact the CJD Foundation. They were incredibly helpful in providing information and support when my father was diagnosed. - Tricia
